Welcome to the first post in my "(insert person or group of persons) are a-holes" series. I'm generally a pretty upbeat person, but there are just certain things that set me off.
Like a vast majority of teenagers.
Now I know that might seem like a huge generalization, but think about the teenagers that you know, and what the ratio of nice upstanding kids to a-holes is. Be honest. I'm thinking about 1:100.
Case in point: I'm driving home from work yesterday, minding my own business. It was a beautiful afternoon, so I had the windows of my car down. I pull up to a traffic light, and see a car in the lane to the left of me with several hands sticking out the windows, flipping off the car in front of them. There are like 10 kids in the car who look like they're approximately 12 years old, and they all look pissed. Whatever, I think -- maybe the other car cut them off, justifying the gesture.
But wait, it gets better. They start THROWING QUARTERS (or maybe nickels, but that's not the point) at the car in front of them! I'm sorry, I have been known to throw a crude gesture, or an FU out an open window, but throwing metal objects that could actually damage another vehicle?? When is that okay?
So of course, I'm gaping at this car in disbelief, when one of the a-holes glances over in my direction to see that I'm staring at them. Which prompts a very nasty "What are you looking at?" from one of the children.
Now, I had about a million responses in my head, but A. I didn't want quarters thrown at my car (it may be a POS, but I don't need to make it worse), and B. the light turned green.
Moral of the story: teenagers are a-holes and should not be allowed to drive.
P.S. Doing a Google images search for "a-holes" is a scary thing.
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